Friday, February 13, 2009

Prince Charming: Part 2

Sorry about the VERY late post, omg part one was written in Jan!
Mdrii ishfeeni! A5af akteb =P There are too many good writers around *Mashalla*..
a7es I don’t fit in! Lol..
But I’ll continue inshalla..

Ps: For everyone I follow.. A7bkm amoot 3alaikm! I read ur updates every night gabel la anam.. o walla ur stories make my day!


Facts about *Fahad’s Looks or let’s say.. Fahad’s Jamal*

- Tall, white ;P, and handsome.

(Misha3il never thought she would be attracted to someone lighter than her, by many shades! He was white, white, ili men ilno3 eli their cheeks are pink naturally!)

- He has the most dazzling hazel eyes.

(Eli min na’9ra, Misha3il it7es ina galb’ha egool: "Teslam li hal na’9ra, what am I doing here? Abii ayey 3indek!")

- His nose is perfect, it makes him have a sharp look..

(Misha3il's thoughts rambling through her mind: “Ya labah hal shof, 7abetain 3ala 5ashmik”)

***getting so much into it aiyy?***

- He is fit, and his broad shoulders gives him his ‘haiba’

- His lips, oh the lips =P.. they look like 'the red heart candy' (A)

Nooooow, enough said about the looks.


Facts about *Fahad’s Personality & Background”

(All background information comes from Nayla, Misha3il’s best friend and who is also an FBI undercover agent, which can get information men ta7t il ar’9)

- He’s so em2adab, 3agel, tharb, you name it.

( E9abe7 kel youm, oo kalamah kelah e7teram)

- M6awa3/ Meltezem

( He goes to the prayer room awal ma e9eer wagt il 9alah, oo elmsba7 dayman fi eedah, o fil rm’9an Misha3il saw him reading Qur’an in his cubicle)

***Cute 9a7?***

- Maya36i wayh

(Ne9 "etha mb kel"' il banat mayteen 3alaih, wela ya36eehum wayh; Misha3il was included, at first)


Moving on to Background information:

- He is 23 yrs old
- Does NOT smoke
- Does NOT shayesh
- Does NOT have sewalef banat
- He has a bachelor’s degree in Accounting
- He has a master’s degree in Finance and Banking
- He has a good position at work
- He is born into a family of five members (Dad, Mom, Aisha 38 yrs old {married to a cousin and has kids}, Munira 33 yrs old {was engaged bs allah maketab}, and Fahad of course.
- Egooloon umah wayed mean o raf3a 5ashemha la2nha men 3yal Al---
(Mafeehum min il zod, bs l2anhum 3arab, Soo? ya5ee mb broo7kum! Yalla 9lw 3l nbi 3ad.)
- They are conservative
- Family oriented
- He doesn’t stay out late
- His hangout place is the dewaniya
- Too Misha3il’s utter dismay, she finds out that they only get married *min ba3ath*, y3ni cousins, 2nd cousins... or let’s say they have a circle min 3wayel m7adeda only. (yet again, the 3arab thing appears).. May9eer e7eboon y3ni? ***This info was said min Nayla, so Misha3il kept denying it unless she heard it from him***


Misha3il kept texting him and he obviously texted back since he had respect for her and for who she was. Although, he kept on asking her why were they doing this and this was wrong.
At first, Misha3il’s only thoughts were: “akeed he’s with someone! He’s perfect!" or " Laa miskeen m6awa3.. maya36ey a7d wayh!" and yet back again, " La La akeed e7eb lah wa7da."
Misha3il shook her thoughts away and said to herself: "Abi a good reason, then i'll stop texting. Whether he's in love or he's a m6awe3 or whatever. But, I want a reason."

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"Grumpy Tag!"

I've been tagged by College Newbie =D

The rules are as followed:
1.Put a picture of any grumpy person.
2. Then Mention 3 things that are just abnormal.
a) When someone bargains in a designer boutique
b) Boyat- They freak me out o atedodah and i forget what i wanted to do/where i wanted to go when they appear.
c) How the *bad* girls (A) are getting engaged! Wel san3een oo 3gl ga3deen fil bait yan6eroon 3ilat il zeman eyey.

3.Two things that irritate you.
a) Having asked to many questions
b) Drivers and maids that never understand.
Example -> Me: Go straight and turn (since i didn't mention whether its right or left, i think its obvious that there's only one turn and the other side is a house or sumthing)
Driver: Right or Left?
Driver: Ana may2aref sheno yesawi.

4.One trigger to your anger.
a) If men say: "a7san mkan 7g il mara.. bait'ha" Bullshit. (Here I think that you can acctually see fume coming out of my ears)

5.Three people you can't live without.
a) My Baba
b) My Mama
c) Buns my best friend

6.Two people you don't want to see.
a) Banat kanaw m3ay fil madrisa.. IFTAKAIT MINKM yal i'3thath! (I speak for Buns as well!)
b) 3 guys i knew.. AKRAHKM U JUST MADE MY LIFE MISERABLE.. if i would go back in time.. i wouldnt mind repeating the whole 5 years just because i want to skip the part that involved them (I had 3 6oo6ing '9aris Um Loai =( ). Esfal.

7.One of your favorite foods.
a) Sushiiiiiiiii

8.Three of your favorite songs.
a) Naweyn terj3- Rashid ilmajed
b) '3adara- Rashid ilmajed
c) 7dik hna- 3bdulmajeed 3bdulla

Tag only 5 people

Lost b2amreeka
Um Loai
Love ;**

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Question # 1) Any ideas?

What shops and resturants would you really want to have in Kuwait?
Y3ni ihma fil 5arej oo ma3indna eyahum bil deera oo you would be so happy lo efet7ounhum 3ndna?

Any Ideas?!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

What now?

I slept at 10 pm, kint wayed t3bana.. oo fazait min nomi fa i drank water oo i looked at the time in my phone, it was 3 something.

2 messages received

One was from my friend o the second one min zemb3 il lail (the one who kept letting me go of reasons i'll never understand)

My heart was beating faster, why was he asking if i was awake?

Shyaaaaaaaabi now? Plz la it3alegni again. moo wagtik. I just got over u and i assure u that it wasn't easy at all!

I didn't reply =) I'll wait for the morning, cinderella is playing hard ;P

Now i'll try to go back to sleeeeep o mafaker feeh!

Goodnitee Xoxo

Monday, January 26, 2009


I'm soo slooow! Ma3rf ishfeeni. It takes ages for me to rateb afkari.. and to actually sit and type without being distracted by my own self! For example: it took me more than 10 min to write this =)
God damn it.

Prince Charming: Part 1

It was so early in the morning, Misha3il was so tired to get out of bed. Eventually, she woke up, got dressed and left for work. The first thing she would do is, turn her computer on and face it for a little while, until her mind is ready to function.

Bored already, Misha3il looked at the time, it's only 9:25! She turned around to chat with Sara and Aisha. They were both Misha3il's colleagues, but Sara was her friend as well. Walking by, was a handsome man that grabbed the attention of the three girls!"9baa7 il 5air", was all he said with a charming smile. This happened Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Misha3il kept waiting for every morning to come.. So he could pass by and awaken the butterflies in her tummy.

“Al3aaaaaaaan i5taaaaaaaaah, Jameeeeeeeeeel!”, said Aisha..

“He’s not my type!” exclaimed swairah..

Misha3il just giggled..

Misha3il wanted Fahad to notice her, she kept passing by his cubicle, seeing him staring into his laptop or chatting with the guy next to him. "Ishd3waa am I that ugly? Laish ma la7a'9nii!!" Misha3il kept asking herself..

She called one of her best friends, Nayla.
Meesh: "Aya 3alaih Nayool Bamooooooooooooot 7adaa jameeeeeeeeeel mashalla 3alaih!"
Nayla: "Abaaaihh seriously?! Weddi Ashofaah! Inzaaain shgaa3da tnt'9rain.. yallaaaaa! 3algeeh!" Meesh:"Hehehhe yal maynona! What do you expect me to do? Mgdr asawey shay!"

They ended the conversation with funny jokes about the situation Misha3il is in.Misha3il is very close with her mom, she tells her everything! She loves the way her mother is understanding and is her bestfriend at the same time. Misha3il told her mom about prince charming, her mother was happy for her but she surely reminded her: "7asbay yumah.. terra ibooch is his boss’s boss’s boss!" Meesho nodded her head, but she never thought that this was going to be an issue and would come in her way.

After a few times of ‘9ba7 il 5air’ and passing by, Misha3il decided to tell Sara that she kinda has a crush on Fahad

Meesh: “Saroo thaabe7nii thii, wayed jameel! A7is kil shay feeh perfect!”

Sara: “Hehhehehehe! Inzaaaaain yallaaa work things out!”

Meesh: “Ma3arf 7bebtii.. I dunno what to do! He's always on my mind! I duno where this is going to take me..”

Sara: “Meesho inti it’7eseen inah he feels something for u b3ad?"

Meesho: “Laaaa! He doesn’t even look at me! As if I’m invisible.”

Sara: “Waaaaaaaaih! Ye7a9elaaah 3ad! But Misha3il.. inti think of his side shwaay.. ur his big boss’s daughter.. Y3ni his career, his future. Mayegdr yesawey shayyyyyyyy!”

Meesh: “Adri adri..”

Misha3il wanted him to be hers! She had to do something! She stole his number from work.. Not forgetting, the kachraa number she got to be an ‘anonymous sender’. She started by sending nice lovey msgs.. BUT no answer! “Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa raaaaaaaaabi! Esh’hal broooooooooood!”

After the millionth msg from Misha3il.. His number FINALLY popped on her screen! Her heart was beating faster and faster but all she got was 7 letters... “Min m3ay?” Misha3il kept her phone close to her heart, closing her eyes, living the image of him texting her constantly, but she opens her eyes and saw herself stuck in her dooming reality… After a million words of romantic lullabies all she got was min m3aaaaaaaaaay?! The frustration rose to the peek and she knew that her plan of getting Fahad won’t be as easy as she thought it would. She replied with hints for him to know who she was.. “ Kil youm ashofik”, “Temanaitik o gelt fi 5a6eri laitah temananii.. ana mo kil wa7ed shafetah 3aini temanaitah!”, “I was with you in the elevator once”.

But he never took the tip-offs seriously and kept on insisting that she should tell him her name, directly with no hints or clues.

Meesh: M3ak bil sh’3il..

Fahad: Abiii isim.. no hints 5ala9.

Meesh: My name starts with an M o mafi a7d in ur floor ib7arf il M ila ana..

Fahad: Ok 5ala9 3eraftich. Feech shay? Tabeen mini shay?

Misha3il was on the verge of dying! "Ishfeeh?" that's the only thing that made a huge traffic jam in her mind. Is he committed to some lucky girl? 5a6eb? Im6awa3? Ishsalfetah?! Questions and questions piling up, for no one to answer.

"Please please please Fahad, La ta7rejni! Wallah this never happened to me, I've never had the guts to do any of this, until i saw u and pictured how your hands would perfectly fit into my mine." This was the only thing that kept repeating over and over in her head, with every heart beat.